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MD on Call

4.6 ( 256 ratings )
Utbildning Medicinsk
Utvecklare: Messil inc.
9.99 USD

"fantastic for a review when rushing to a consult." -- Casey Park

MD on Call is already trusted by thousands of physicians, residents and medical students around the world. We’ve been there; At 3 AM, you don’t feel like going through a textbook or a long UpToDate article; you just want to get things done.


"If you have ever needed a quick reference to learn on the fly or been stumped by a late night call while cross-covering and you are willing to spend a few dollars to avoid that feeling, you should consider this app."

“It has all those handy little things that drug guides and medical references just don’t capture concisely.”
“I would pay at least double the cost for this handy little reference.”

Dr Jessica Otte, drottematic blog


junior residents, interns and medical students

In medical school, we learn a lot about diseases and the basis for their management. However, we are traditionally less exposed to apparently easy problems like pain, nausea or hypokalemia. Quite often, those issues are brought to the attention of the nursing staff in the evening. At that time, the treating team is away and youre on call, running all over the hospital.

MD on Call gives you tips on how to QUICKLY assess and manage (acutely) common problems so you can go on assessing the next patient, or to your room to get some well deserved sleep. -- it is NOT meant to replace a textbook --

MD on call is divided into 5 main sections:

• Issues • 26 frequent on call situations (including management of some specific conditions)

Abdominal Pain*
Acute Coronary Syndrome*
Agitation / Violence
Chest Pain
Death (Pronouncing)
Decreased LOC
Dysuria / UTI*
Febrile neutropenia
Nausea / Vomiting
Wound Dehiscence
Wound Infection

• Labs • Common electrolytes abnormalities (including management)

Hypo Ca, K, Mg, Na, PO4, glycemia
Hyper Ca, K, Na, glycemia

• ECG • Normal and abnormal ECG values, now with examples

• Misc • Suggestions on how to write orders for admission, "comfort measures only", "on call" notes, OR and procedure notes.
Transfusions: general information and common reactions
Misc: CSF values, opioid conversion...

• Lines and Tubes • How to manage common problems, such as a blocked NG tube.

• Search • Search using acronyms or keywords


Feedback is more than welcome : visit the website for more details



This publication (application) is to be used as a guide only. It is intended only for use by licensed medical practitioners and medical students. Every doctor (or prescriber) is responsible for their actions. This guide is not meant to replace clinical judgment.
The authors of MD on call make no claims regarding the accuracy of the information contained herein. The authors of this application and its content shall not be liable for any injury and/or damage to persons or property arising from the use of this application.
It is the responsible of the licensed prescriber to verify the indications, contraindications and dosage of the medication (and actions) they prescribe.